abhijaat varg example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of abhijaat varg 1. इतालवी अभिजात वर्ग के तमाम अमीर और शिक्षित सदस्यों की तरह वह इतालवी भाषा से कहीं बेहतर फ़्रेच बोलता था। 2. संक्षेप में, सम्राट, अभिजात वर्ग और सेना साम्राज्य के राजनीतिक इतिहास में तीन मुख्य ‘खिलाड़ी’ थे। 1. / d What is best of its kind; the elite 2. ? Choice, cream, elite gratin; 3. An elite middle Weimar The Duke of Saxe-Weimar is a young man whom his mother, the Duchess Anna Amalia remarkable, wants to create a quality environment 4. But at other times in history, the artist boasts of being understood that an elite (euphuism Elizabethan, "art for art" of 1890) 5. But this elite in formation we know nothing

Given are the examples of hindi word abhijaat varg usage in english sentences. The examples of abhijaat varg are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., elite, aristocracy, nobility, peerage.

The Saliya weavers of Thanjavur and the nearby town of Uraiyur are busy producing cloth for flags to be used in the temple festival, fine cottons for the king and nobility and coarse cotton for the masses.

The white cricket elite in India offered no help to the enthusiastic Parsis.
Cricket helped to confirm this self-image of the English elite by glorifying the amateur ideal, where cricket was played not for victory or profit, but for its own sake, in the spirit of fair play.
Despite the exclusiveness of the white cricket elite in the West Indies, the game became hugely popular in the Caribbean.
The white cricket elite in India offered no help to the enthusiastic Parsis.
The old merchant elite of Calcutta patronised public forms of entertainment such as kabirlarai (poetry contests), musical soirees and dance performances.
This was apparent in the emergence of many distinct and shared traditions: in the realms of governance, the management of the economy, elite cultures, and language.
All three states were founded by members of the high Mughal nobility who had been governors of large provinces – Sa'adat Khan (Awadh), Murshid Quli Khan (Bengal) and Asaf Jah (Hyderabad).
It included the Alpine regions – the Tyrol, Austria and the Sudetenland – as well as Bohemia, where the aristocracy was predominantly German-speaking.
Socially and politically, a landed aristocracy was the dominant class on the continent.
संबंधित शब्द अभिजात वर्ग के पर्यायवाची अभिजात वर्ग के विपरीत शब्द